Your bridge to Interoperability for token distribution
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Zoniqx’s proprietary solution, SecureConnect distinguishes itself by offering issuers a direct channel to a wide-ranging pool of liquidity options. It links seamlessly with DEXs, broker-dealer networks, ATSs, financial institutions, and private investors like family offices and hedge funds. This connection is vital for driving liquidity, enhancing the tradability of tokens, and broadening market access. With its unparalleled interoperability and vast network reach, SecureConnect stands as a vital component in the sphere of digital securities, empowering issuers with enhanced market presence.
Capabilities that Keep You Ahead
Cross-Chain connectivity
Unlock the Blockchain Ecosystem
Broader Access
Enhanced Liquidity
Reduced Fragmentation
Legacy-to-Blockchain Integration
Unlock the Blockchain Ecosystem
Legacy Integration
Leverage Blockchain
Cost Efficiency
Data Integrity
Dynamic Token Allocation
Effortless Token Distribution
Real-time Allocation
Error Reduction
Transparent Processes
Dynamic Investor Cap Table Management
Effortless Token Distribution
Up-to-date records
simplified reconciliation
enhanced investor relations
Transparent Processes
Tokenized Asset Lifecycle Support
Comprehensive Asset Management
Full Lifecycle Support
One-stop Solution
Security and Compliance
Streamlined Operations