July 8, 2024
T-Blocks chooses Silicon Valley-based Zoniqx as a strategic technology partner to power its compliant tokenization infrastructure for emerging markets

Zoniqx, a Silicon Valley-based fintech company specializing in converting real-world assets into Security Tokens has been chosen as a strategic partner by T-Blocks, the leading DLT-based platform for real estate and green energy investments in emerging markets. Spearheading the Dynamic Compliant Interoperable Security Token (ERC-7518) protocol, Zoniqx has established itself at the forefront of the tokenization industry.

“Partnering with T-Blocks allows us to leverage our comprehensive Tokenized Asset Lifecycle Management (TALM) solution, providing a compliant and regulated solution for asset tokenization from issuance to liquidity and trading. Together, we can unlock tremendous value in the real estate sector and beyond.”
- Sanjeev Birari, Co-Founder and CBO, Zoniqx
“Our approach at T-Blocks is to be chain-Agnostic regarding the real-world assets we tokenize. We are excited to partner with Zoniqx, not only because of their advanced TALM solution but also because we share a unified vision for the future of tokenization. This vision includes aggregating liquidity and supply channels to enhance and streamline deal-matching.”
- Henri Ndreca, Co-Founder, T-Blocks

Zoniqx’s TALM framework is a complete solution for tokenizing assets, encompassing all phases from issuance to liquidity and trading. Their Primary Token Issuance infrastructure, built with a secure smart contracts engine, enables blockchain-based asset fractionalization. The Token Distribution Rails connect issuers with broker-dealers, decentralized exchanges (DEX), and financial institutions, providing access to blockchain-tokenized private assets for alternative investment.

Since its inception in 2017, initially as Tassets, Zoniqx has been dedicated to building enterprise-grade solutions for tokenization, primarily on Ethereum and Polygon. Recently, the Zoniqx team has expanded to more institutional-grade blockchains such as Ripple and Hedera, enhancing global liquidity channels on all fronts. Zoniqx was recognized in Ripple’s 2024 XRP Markets Report and has been chosen by PWC for its tokenization acceleration program.

“For T-Blocks, it is crucial to serve global asset investors wherever they are and whatever blockchain they use. We believe blockchain technology is the right tool to unlock untapped value and enable access to investments on a global scale.
- Henri Ndreca, T-Blocks COO

This collaboration aims to expand T-Blocks network of professional and institutional partners, focusing on digital assets while extending Zoniqx’s solutions and services into the emerging markets of Albania and the Balkans, regions poised for tremendous opportunities as they approach EU accession.

About Zoniqx: Zoniqx ("Zoh-nicks") is a global fintech leader headquartered in Silicon Valley, specializing in converting real-world assets into Security Tokens. It offers an interoperable, compliant infrastructure for the RWA tokenization market, enabling global liquidity and DeFi integration through its end-to-end ecosystem of SDKs and APIs. Zoniqx pioneers on-chain, fully automated RWA deployment on public, private, and hybrid chains. To explore how Zoniqx can assist your organization in unlocking the potential of tokenized assets or to discuss potential partnerships and collaborations, please visit our contact page.

About T-Blocks: T-Blocks is the first tokenization platform in Albania and the Balkans region with a mission to connect selected investment opportunities with global capital utilizing the EU regulatory framework and distributed ledger technologies. We are committed to presenting global investors with high-yield opportunities from esteemed local developers with a proven track record in real estate. With the region on the path to joining the European Union, the real estate sector and tourism are poised for significant growth, underscoring promising investment potential.